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Made By Metal4Quens

    1-30 European gorevleri


    Usta Üye

    Usta Üye

    Mesaj Sayısı : 54
    Rep Gücü : 149
    Kayıt tarihi : 16/08/09
    Yaş : 30
    Nerden : Çanakkale

    Rep Puanın
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    1-30 European gorevleri Left_bar_bleue1500/15001-30 European gorevleri Empty_bar_bleue  (1500/1500)
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    1-30 European gorevleri Empty 1-30 European gorevleri

    Mesaj tarafından TımeOfDeath Ptsi Ağus. 31, 2009 9:30 pm

    1-30 European gorevleri Consb

    Quest lvl1- İlk işin kırmızı karedeki NPC ile konuşmak olucak

    ve burdan classını seçiceksin

    - Tekrar onla konuş

    - (Armor trader Jatomo) ile konuş (NPC2)

    - Tekrar Onla konuş (Armor trader Jatomo) (NPC2)

    - (Grocery trader Bajel) ile konuş ve onun verdiği itemi kullan(NPC7)

    - (Potion seller Nun Retaldi) ile konuş 1 tane en küçük herbden(meyve) al(NPC4)

    - Tekrar (Potion seller Nun Retaldi) ile konuş (NPC4)

    - (Blacksmith Balbardo) ile konuş (NPC3)

    - Kırmızı noktadaki NPC ile konuş ve 20 tane movia kes (Lv 1)

    - Kırmızı noktadaki NPC ile 1 dah konuş

    Ödül: 850 xp, Classına göre lvl 1 item, 20 mp herbs

    Quest lvl3- (Potion seller Nun Retaldi) ile konuş (NPC4), 20 tane graps kes (Lv3)

    - Tekrar (Potion seller Nun Retaldi) ile konuş (NPC4)

    Ödül: 700xp, 100sxp, Nun's Prayer

    Quest lvl4

    1) (Potion seller Nun Retaldi) ile konuş(NPC4), sonrada (merchant union) ile konuş (NPC8)

    Rewards: 300sxp

    2) (merchant union)ile konuş (NPC8), Lv 4 yaratıktan 2 tane görev itemi düşür ve tekrar onla konuş (NPC8)

    3) (merchant union)ile konuş (NPC8), sonrada (merchant union2) ile konuş (hemen onun sağında)

    Quest lvl5

    1) inventory genişletme: (grocery trader) ile konuş (NPC7), Lv 2 yaratıktan 10 tane görev itemi düşür

    2) (merchant union2) ile konuş, "E" bas ve 8 kişilik share(exp paylaşılan 1 partiye gir) sonra tekrar onla konuş istersen

    partiden çık..

    3)(merchant union2)ile konuş (NPC8-2), 30 tane Lv 5 yaratık kes

    Quest lvl7

    1) (merchant union2) ile konuş (NPC8-2), (Guild boss) ile konuş (NPC10)

    2) (Guild boss) ile konuş (NPC10) , git ve cadı ile konuş (haritada sarı nokta),(Guild boss) ile konuş (NPC10)

    3) (Guild boss) ile konuş (NPC10), 40 tane 7Lv yaratık kes

    Quest lvl8

    (Guild boss) ile konuş (NPC 10), 8 Lv yaratık kes ve 10 tane görev itemi topla

    Quest lvl9

    (Guild boss) ile konuş (NPC10), 9 lv yaratık kes ve 20 tane görev itemi topla

    Quest lvl10

    1) (Guild boss) ile konuş (NPC10), sonrada (merchant union2) ile konuş (NPC8-2)

    2) (merchant union2) ile konuş (NPC8-2) 10 Lv yartık keserek 20 tane görev itemi toPla

    Quest lvl11

    öncelikle ön bilileri veriyim

    1-30 European gorevleri Cadg

    1-30 European gorevleri 54249584

    1) cadı ile konuş (Lv 7 Görevinde NPC), 11Lv görevinin yaratığını Kes (KoordinaT: -11500,2750)(Guild boss2) ile konuş

    (NPC11) 10 tane görev itemini aL, 11 Lv yaratıkların olduğu alana git, ve evin arkasında durarak sana verdiği itemleri

    kullan, ve ardığın görev itemlerini buL,(eğer sana verdiği itemleri bitirsen tekrar aldığın NPC ile konuş)Cadı ile

    Konuş(İnşAllah yanlış çevirmemişimdir)

    2) Caminin Önündeki İmam La Konuş(NPC15), (Guild boss2) ile konuş (NPC11)

    Quest lvl12

    1) Cadı ile Konuş, 12 Lv yaratığı keserek 40 tane görev itemi düşür(Taş olan ayı değiL)

    2) Cadı ile Konuş, 12 Lv yaratığı keserek (Ayı) onu cadı ya getir

    Quest lvl13

    Cadı ile Konuş, 13 Lv yartığı kes ve 1 tane görev itemi bul

    Quest lvl14

    1) Cadı ile Konuş,14 Lv yaratıktan 50 tane görev itemi düşür

    2) Cadı ile Konuş, (weaponTrader) ile konuş (NPC3)

    Quest lvl15

    1) Cadı ile Konuş, (Hunters Union) iLe konuş

    2) (Hunters Union) iLe konuş, Lv 15 yaratıktan 40 Tane Görev itemi düşür

    Quest lvl16

    1)(Hunters Union) iLe konuş,Cadı ile Konuş

    2) Cadı ile Konuş, İtemi 16 Lv yaratığın üsütnde Kullan (Kuş) Ve onu cadıyya getir

    3) talk to witch, talk to storage keeper2 (NPC5 - near real storage keeper)

    4) (storage keeper2)ile Konuş (NPC5),16 Lv yaratık kes ve 20 tane görev itemi düşür

    Quest lvl17

    1)(storage keeper2)ile Konuş (NPC5), Cadı ile Konuş

    2) Cadı ile Konuş,Tuzak kullanarak Lv 17 yaratğını öldür (aslan)

    3) Cadı ile Konuş, General Le Konuş (NPC9)

    4) General Le Konuş (NPC9) , 17 Lv yaratığından 1 tane Görev itemi düşür

    Quest lvl18

    1) General Le Konuş (NPC9), Cadı ile Konuş

    2) Cadı ile Konuş, 18 Lv yaratıı Kes (Sahilde)adı (Siren miydi neydi )

    3) Cadı ile Konuş, 100 tane 18 Lv yaratık Kes

    Quest lvl19

    Cadı ile Konuş, Golden Apple tree' ye git , Makası Kullanarak 1 taneelma aL, onu kullanarak Lv 19 yaratık çıkar

    19 Lv yaratıktan 20 Tane Görev itemi düşür, Eğer makasın iterse Cadı ddan alabilirsin, Cadı ile konuşarak Görevi Bitirr

    Quest lvl20

    Cadı ile konuş 20 Lv yaratık keserk 40 tane görev itemi topla


    Lv 21 Quest A

    NPC: Storage NPC

    Mission: Collect 20 crab shells by killing lvl 21 crabs (or crap… whatever…)

    Reward: exp 33k/ skill exp 6700/ gold 11k


    Lv 21 Quest B

    NPC: Port NPC (the one that stands at Troy port, Northeast port)

    Prerequisite: Lv 21 Quest A

    Mission: Collect a harp from lvl 21 Quest mob (crabs)

    Reward: 2 choices, pick 1 : (i) Certificate of friendship (hp+300, 120min)

    (ii) Certificate of appreciation (mp+300, 120min)

    Comment: the crabs are at the most north shoreline (next to the
    mountain ranges). They have enormous HP, better confront them in a


    Lv 22 Quest A

    NPC: Port NPC (Port of Constantine side)

    Mission: Collect 30 boxes from lvl 22 pirates

    Reward: exp 53k / skill exp 10k/ gold 16200

    Comment: bring uni pills, they cause poison status


    Lv 22 Quest B

    NPC: Pirate NPC/ General NPC

    Mission: Collect a letter from Pirate NPC (the one that stands at Troy port, Northeast port) and deliver it to General NPC

    Reward: exp 5900 / skill exp 1050/ gold 2700


    Lv 23 Quest A (repeatable 3 times)

    NPC: Pirate NPC

    Mission: Hunt 50 lvl 23 crabs and 10 lvl 23 champions

    Reward: exp 25200 / gold 7000

    Comment: champions are rare, may take a while to find one


    Lv 23 Quest B

    NPC: General NPC

    Prerequisite: Lv 22 Quest B

    Mission: Catch a lvl 23 pirate brigande

    Reward: army troop’s praise (hp recovery speed increase, 120min)

    Comment: similar to Lv 17 Quest B


    Lv 23 Quest C (BOSS WAR)

    NPC: General NPC

    Prerequisite: Lv 23 Quest B

    Mission: (i) Form a 8-men party

    (ii) Defeat Pirate Brigande champ to collect the flag (quest item)

    (iii) use the flag in the coliseum-like building at the southwest beach

    (iv) defeat the pirate boss (surrounded with several pirate elites) l

    Reward: shout of assault x3 (30% moving speed increase, 60min)

    Comment: pirate boss is tough. Prepare a good party and get more than 1
    cleric. Pirate boss will escape if u can’t defeat him in time, and no…
    u cant chase him, this is not GTA. Defeat Elite first if they pose a
    threat to your precious cleric, but I will recommend gangbanging pirate
    boss. It’s your choice here.

    Lv 24 Quest

    NPC: General NPC

    Mission: Collect 10 black pearl boxes/ 20 red coral boxes/ 30 blue coral boxes from lvl 24 wolves

    Reward: exp 89000 / skill exp 15k/ gold 26k


    Lv 25 Quest A

    NPC: General NPC/ sunset witch

    Mission: deliver a box to sunset witch

    Reward: exp 4700 / skill exp 800/ gold 1300


    Lv 25 Quest B

    NPC: sunset witch

    Prerequisite: lvl 25 Quest A

    Mission: De-curse 60 cursed boxes. Here’s how u do it:

    (i) get the boxes from sunset witch

    (ii) go find lvl 25 wolves (dun confuse with the lvl 24 ones)

    (iii) kill them and collect wolves’ blood

    (iv) right click on the blood, it will de-curse the boxes by chance.

    Reward: exp 126k / skill exp 2k


    Lv 25 Quest C

    NPC: sunset witch

    Prerequisite: lvl 25 Quest B

    Mission: deliver the boxes to sunset witch

    Reward: skill exp 850 (not quite remember )


    Lv 26 Quest (repeatable 3 times)

    NPC: Adventurer npc (in front of hotel)

    Mission: (i)Hunt lvl 26 archers and collect algae (maximum 5).

    (ii) go to the large troy horse at the north port and use the algae

    (iii) this will summon lvl 26 Quest mob crab. Kill them to get crab eggs by chance

    Reward: exp 33k/ gold 8k

    Comment: Quest mob has very high hp, advisable to do this mission In party.


    Lv 27 Quest A

    NPC: Constantinpole west gate soldier

    Mission: Collect 1 axe/ 1 shield/ 2 bracers/ 2 knee caps from lvl 27 warriors

    Reward: exp 42.4k/ gold 12k/ skill exp 6k


    Lv 27 Quest B

    NPC: General NPC

    Prerequisite: lvl 23 Quest C

    Mission: Not quite remember. I think it is another simple quest which delivers something

    Reward: Probably skill exp 750


    Lv 28 Quest A

    NPC: Stable NPC (Const side)/ Stable NPC (Samarkand side)

    Mission: Deliver a letter from first town to second town

    Reward:exp 20k/ gold 6k/ skill exp 2700

    Comment: teleport is restricted.


    Lv 28 Quest B

    NPCamarkand stable NPC

    Prerequisite: lvl 28 Quest A

    Mission: Collect 30 quest items from lvl 28 warriors

    Reward:exp 45k/ gold 12k


    Lv 29 Quest A

    NPCamarkand stable NPC

    Prerequisite: lvl 28 Quest B

    Mission: Collect 30 quest items from lvl 29 centaurs

    Reward:exp 60k/ gold 15k/ skill exp 7500


    Lv 29 Quest B

    NPCamarkand stable NPC / storage NPC (2nd town)

    Prerequisite: lvl 29 Quest A

    Mission: deliver the item to storage NPC

    Reward: skill exp 750 (forgot)


    Lv 29 Quest C

    NPCtorage NPC (2nd town)

    Prerequisite: lvl 29 Quest B

    Mission: Collect 10 ivy

    (i) Go to the west of cleopatra’s gateway ( located next to wolves & archer’s QB, east to the southport)

    (ii) Hunt lvl 29 quest mob ( looks like archers) and collect beetles (max 5)

    (iii) Use it in the northeast coliseum, obtain ivy by chance

    Reward: Forgot


    Lv 29 Quest D

    NPC: Storage NPC (2nd town)/ pot NPC (2nd town)/ stable NPC (2nd town)

    Prerequisite: lvl 29 Quest C

    Mission: Deliver quest item to stable NPC


    Lvl 30 Quest A

    NPC: Accesorry NPC (2nd town)

    Mission: collect 20 furs from lvl 30 centaurs

    Reward: Inventory expansion 2 blocks


    Lvl 30 Quest B

    NPC: Hunter NPC (2nd town)/ general NPC (1st town)

    Prerequisite: all previous pirate quests

    Mission: Deliver the message to general npc

    Reward: exp 21k/ gold 6k/ skill exp 2700


    Lvl 30 Quest C

    NPC: general NPC (1st town)

    Prerequisite: lvl 30 Quest B

    Mission: Catch a centaur scout (lvl 30 quest mob) and kill 15 centaur guards (lvl 30 quest mobs)

    Reward: exp 24k/ skill exp 2800/ 5 tent repairers ( not sure what is this , haven’t done yet)

    Comment: NEED REWARD from lvl 30 Quest D (clips !!!).Use a clip to
    catch the centaur scout (at coliseum), centaur guards will start
    spawning in every interval of 1 min. Just kill enough of them and bring
    the scout back to NPC. Teleport restricted.


    Lvl 30 Quest D

    NPC: adventurer NPC (2nd town, not sure bout the location)

    Mission: collect scissors from lvl 28 warriors. Go to the pond close to south port, collect leaves by chance (need 20)

    Reward: exp 60k/ gold 15k/ skill exp 8k/ clips (quest item)


    Lvl 30 Quest E (BOSS WAR)

    NPC: General NPC (1st town)

    Mission: OK this is going to be complicated

    (i) get quest item from general npc. Use it in coliseum/Cleopatra’s
    gateway/ haran’s tower (located at where lvl 28 warriors are)

    (ii) This will summon a lvl 30 quest mob at each spot. Defeat them will give u 3 emblems

    (iii) Hunt lvl 30 centaurs to get their bloods. Use it and get a key

    (iv) Goto the center of Archer’s and wolves QB ( far southeast from the south port) and use the key

    (v) This will teleport you to another dimension to fight Ivy (Yes !! IVY)

    Reward: exp 40k/ skill exp 4k/ blonde’s memories (grants instant berserk) x 20

    Comment: I think there is a time limit when fighting Ivy

      Forum Saati Cuma Kas. 08, 2024 2:52 am